tSE 026 – Skeptic & YouTuber, C0nc0rdance!
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Hosts: Natalie Newell (Skeptical Parenting) and Dan Broadbent (A Science Enthusiast)!
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God of the week: Ra!
Interview: C0nc0rdance!
Tonight we are thrilled to be joined by Concordance, the brains and voice behind his self-titled YouTube channel. Thanks to the power of social media (and a certain league of nerds), Concordance has found his way onto this podcast.
(Concordance: arriving at the same conclusion by multiple lines of inquiry.)
Follow him on YouTube or check him out on Twitter as @c0nc0rdance!
Quote of the Week: “Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” – Douglas Adamsman)
Be sure to follow tSE on Twitter at @SciEnthusiasts and on Facebook as @ScienceEnthusiastPodcast!
Follow Natalie on Twitter as @ncnewell or Dan as @aSciEnthusiast!
The music you heard tonight was written and performed by Adam Johnson, and was used with his permission. You can contact Adam at AdamJohnsonDC@gmail.com.
This podcast is a production of Not Narrow or Straight, LLC. All rights reserved.
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