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Hosts: Natalie Newell (Skeptical Parenting) and Dan Broadbent (A Science Enthusiast)!
Check out the patron-only LIVE record session we did on YouTube at https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-035-live-7939724! (Dan titled it wrong, we promise this is really episode 036…)
This week’s sponsor: Rudy Guiliani. He’s half village idiot, half person-who-can’t-tell-a-lie.
God of the week: Lempo! Finnish god of evil and demons. And moose? Meese? Meeses?
Interview: James Fell!
James is a fitness writer whose work can be found at AskMen.com, the LA Times, The Chicago Tribune, and more. Additionally, he runs the popular “James Fell: Body for Wife” website and Facebook page.
Relevant links:
John Oliver MLM video – https://youtu.be/s6MwGeOm8iI
Quote of the Week: “For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.” ? Neil deGrasse Tyson
Be like James, James, Alice, the four Michaels, Kris, Sarah, Janet, Amanda, Andrew, and Trevor: Become a patron at OUR NEW PATREON ADDRESS – patreon.com/aScienceEnthusiast!
Next week’s episode: Matthew Facciani (www.matthewfacciani.com)!
Be sure to follow tSE on Twitter at @SciEnthusiasts and on Facebook as @ScienceEnthusiastPodcast!
Follow Natalie on Twitter as @ncnewell or Dan as @aSciEnthusiast!
The music you heard tonight was written and performed by Adam Johnson, and was used with his permission. You can contact Adam at AdamJohnsonDC@gmail.com.
This podcast is a production of Not Narrow or Straight, LLC. All rights reserved.
Have feedback? Suggestions for a topic? Ideas for a new segment? Hate mail? Love letters? Contact us at podcast@aScienceEnthusiast.com!
Science Enthusiast Podcast