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Trump taps ‘Ancient Aliens’ guy as Secretary of Space Force
WASHINGTON, DC – Just two weeks after announcing that he is creating a sixth branch of the military called the “Space Force,” Donald Trump announced that he is nominating Giorgio A. Tsoukalos as the Secretary of the Space Force. Tsoukalos is better known as the “Ancient Aliens” guy, a hit TV show on the History […] More
Despite COVID-19, Florida bars were packed with maskless partiers this weekend
Perhaps we deserve this pandemic after all. The South Florida Sun Sentinel reports that bars in Florida were packed over the weekend, Covid-19 pandemic be damned. Broward political leaders are closely watching the pandemic worsening in their county and state. In Florida, new cases of the virus for the week are up 49% compared to […] More
How soon will we have to ration hospital care for Covid-19 patients?
(This originally appeared as a Facebook post I made, then a Twitter thread, but I decided to copy it here with some slight edits to make it easier to share and include some references.) Indiana not only had (another) record for daily new Covid-19 cases yesterday, but we also have a record amount of people hospitalized. […] More
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Facebook just killed my personal account, and I don’t know why
Earlier this week, Facebook suddenly disabled my account. I was replying to a comment on a friend’s post Thursday night when I suddenly got this message: So… They disabled it because of “something”. Thank you, very cool. I hit the “request a review” button and was prompted to upload my ID, which I did: Once […] More