In showbiz, the common phrase is sex sells.
But we are in a new era of film that may see the restructuring of our priorities. It seems now that animals sell. With a 2019 lineup of movies that are projected to, or have already performed well in the box office, many of these include a furry star.
One of the best things about these upcoming films isn’t the awesome trailers or sneak peeks. It’s the press junkets, where these adorable animals put on their best and get ready for their closeups.
Take a look at the cat who played Goose in Captain Marvel. A regular orange tabby, he embodies many cuddly childhood companions all across the US. Although there were technically four cats (Archie, Gonzo, Reggie, and Rizzo) who looked alike in the film, at the end of the day Reggie is the one star is most known for this breakout role:
You know your cat has made it big when he’s wearing a Burberry tie. Goose, or should I say Reggie, was given a character poster before Captain Marvel was even released. His fuzzy face and terrifying alien insides stole our hearts.
Goose is a triumph of a character, who is complex, cute, and scary all at the same time. (Spoiler!) Archie, one of the chosen four, was said to be the most playful of the bunch and was given the scene in which Goose scratches Nick Furry’s eye. He is a future action star in the making for sure.
What lies ahead in Reggie’s acting career is uncertain, but we can hope to see him at more press junkets for his continuing role as Goose the cat/Flerken.
Two more rising stars are making their way in the horror film genre as the lead in Pet Semetary. They play Church the cat, an undead family pet. Tonic and Leo were chosen out of countless shelter cats with dark tabby fur. They are Maine Coons, a large and fluffy breed (a change from the dark grey British Shorthair from the original). Although a total of four cats were used in the remake, Tonic and Leo stuck out for their intelligence and their ability to follow commands. Equipped with their own ‘companion’ and air-conditioned trailer in-between sets, Tonic and Leo were also tasked with traveling to press junkets to promote the movie.
Like little Reggie, they went in style. This is Tonic, stunting on all of us:
Tonic and Leo went with the cast everywhere, and commonly stole the show by, well, just being cats.
And that leaves us with the stunning and elegant cats that play Salem in the new Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Salem is played by five black cats (Shaq, Boomer, Edward, Trevor, and Bobby). All five are males, with the majority of the shots being performed by Shaq.
Can we take a moment to appreciate the freaking SUPERMODEL this cat is? Here he is on the black carpet, strutting his stuff casually as if he isn’t being bombarded by hundreds cameras:

I think we can all agree that even if a movie sucks horribly, a cat can be the saving grace. So if you are a director do yourself a favor and cast a cat somewhere in your story, put a tie on him, and get him on the Gram. You’ll be happy you did.
Most of human existence is bad now but I do like that we take cats to red carpets now and sometimes dress them in tiny formal attire.
— Nathan (@Humanstein) April 4, 2019
According to TMZ, Goose The Cat was recently hospitalized due to severe back pains caused by the burden of singlehandedly carrying the mcu on his back.
We all wish it a speedy recovery.— on @d2verses (@minverses) April 4, 2019
Technically, 2019 is Year of the Pig, but it should be Year of the Cat. Then again, every year should be. #Goose #CaptainMarvel #PetSematary #RussianDoll
— Garin Pirnia (@gpirnia) April 5, 2019
This weekend, I accidentally saw Pet Seminary. Much different film than what I was expecting, although the cat's name was still Church.
Tag Line: Church Will Never Be The Same #ChristianHorror #PetSemetary
— Matthew Brown (@9to5Pollution) April 7, 2019
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