Ever since the internet was invented by Al Gore, probably the biggest concern for most people has been their privacy. And no, I’m not referring to their personal information being kept safe, I’m referring to the dark and twisted personal secrets stored in our internet history.
No, I don’t want the world to know that I’ve searched for “Pokemon burglar caught by vampire stepmom’s best friend.”
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But in the event of an untimely death, I think we all have a person we’ve appointed to ensure our internet search history is cleared out before our parents or loved ones stumble across it. There’s a reason we all get nervous when we let someone see a picture on our phone then we notice them swiping – we’re not sure what they might accidentally see.
And that’s where Alex Jones comes in.
Alex Jones has had a rough second half of 2018. It started when he incorrectly predicted a democrat-led coup on America on the Fourth of July. Turns out it was just poor planning on their part, as most of us didn’t get the mass email.
Then, his personal account getting banned from Facebook for a month. Soon after, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube completely banned InfoWars from their sites. I’m in favor of this action, not because I condone censorship (which I don’t), but because Jones has consistently endorsed and encouraged violence.
And just this past week, Alex Jones showed all his fans, on-air, that he watches transgender porn.
Half of Alex Jones’ job is promoting nonsensical conspiracy theories such as a pizza restaurant running a child sex trafficking ring in a basement that doesn’t exist. The other half is selling merch. And there’s nothing wrong with selling merch (you should buy ours in our store!), but the majority of merch Jones sells are supplements whose effects are suspect.
While showing off the site on his phone, Jones makes the mistake of minimizing his browser window, and for a brief moment displayed the other tabs he had open.
YouTube user ᗒ╬ᗕ1112223333111ᗒ╬ᗕ (I’m not sure how you pronounce that name) uploaded a video of the segment showing the incident:
The title reads:
Naughty tbabe Marissa Minx relieved of cock hunger by stud
So what’s the big deal?
Let me be clear – I am absolutely not judging him or anyone else for what gets them off. Alex Jones or any other adult have the right to enjoy whatever sexual situation they desire between one or more consenting adults. I have zero issues with Jones getting his rocks off to straight porn , gay porn, bisexual, transgender, or whatever else type of porn he wants to watch.
The issue behind this is the hypocrisy. It’s the fact that Jones has a long history of being anti-LGBTQ. GLADD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) complied a list of many of these incidents where Jones has engaged in anti-LGBTQ activism:
Argued the Orlando massacre is LGBT community’s fault. [Right Wing Watch]
Said transgender bathroom access is about “jacking with” children. [The Alex Jones Channel]
Called homosexuality “a very destructive lifestyle on average.” [SoundCloud]
Accused gay parents of taking children from straight people: “It’s not that – I don’t even dislike gay people or hate them. It’s that I’ve been to these events and a lot of times it’s the specialized homosexuals who are collecting everybody’s kids that run them, so then it’s like they’re persecuting us and I’m tired of it.” [AlterNet]
Accused Obama and Clinton of being secretly gay/lesbian, and argued that’s a threat to national security. [InforWars]
Called Glenn Beck is secretly gay. [Mediaite]
Called Mark Cuban secretly gay. [Media Matters]
Accused Michelle Obama of secretly being a man. [InforWars]
Delivered an anti-gay rant against (straight) Congressman Adam Schiff. [The Hill]
Called H.R. McMasters a “leather daddy” who “looks like he could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.” [Media Matters]
Argued that those pushing for LGBTQ rights at the UN of being part of a “space cult, suicide cult, extremism [sic] craziness” meant to “confuse the general specials ahead of rendering us down and removing us.” [SoundCloud]
Accused the UN of being a “space cult plotting to turn children gay.” FULL QUOTE: “The reason there are so many gay people now is because it’s a chemical warfare operation,”…“I have the government documents where they said they’re going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so people don’t have children.” [Salon]
Argued that chemicals in the water are turning frogs and humans gay. [InfoWars]
And there are plenty of other examples on their site.
So again, the scandal here isn’t that Jones watches porn, or that he watches transgender porn. That’s fine. The majority of adults all watch porn. The issue is the hypocrisy.
Jones was asked about the incident live on his show, and had this to say in response:
Alex Jones denies watching trans porn pic.twitter.com/asYuiiAIoc
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) August 29, 2018
The denialism is real. My favorite part is when he said “I don’t take phones on air that I look at porn on,” which implies that he has multiple phones dedicated solely to watching porn. We should all be so lucky.
The actress involved, Marissa Minx, responded to Jones’ tacit admission of watching porn:
I think it’s fantastic he is watching scenes !
— Marissa Minx (@XXXMARISSAMINX) August 25, 2018
And, in an interview, Marissa said:
Many fans are secretive about really being into trans women and it’s unfortunate that they feel not only that they need to hide their true sexuality—but then bash the very thing they desire.
We all have unique tastes, but nothing justifies hate toward others. I hope he comes to his senses.”
I think especially after the hypocrisy, [Alex Jones] owes our community a serious apology.
But as far as going out of the way to tell people about his attraction, I don’t think that’s as important.
Just stop being a bully and deal with your personal demons without taking others down.
Nailed it.
This just adds to the mountain of evidence that shows the more you publicly oppose something, the more likely it is you’re actually into it. The more you speak out against homosexual or bisexual people, the more likely it is you’re secretly gay or bi. And in the case of Alex Jones, the more you speak out against trans people, well, you know by looking at his phone.
You can like cats, dogs, pineapple on pizza, or transgender porn and it has literally zero impact on anyone else. The existence of something you don’t like should not affect your personal happiness.
But spouting hate towards a marginalized group while jerking off to them brings things to a new, weird level.