April 25, 2018

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    VIDEO: ‘Cosmic snow’ captured on the surface of a COMET!

    If you remember back in 2016, the European Space Agency navigated its probe, Rosetta, to Comet 67P. No big deal, right? Well. The probe had a lander, named Philae. That’s right – a lander for a COMET. Comets are similar, but very different from asteroids. They’re similar in that either one impacting the Earth would […] More

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    New Trump Administration Proposal Promotes Abstinence-Only Sex Education

    According to the New York Times, the Trump administration is making a push to support abstinence-only sex education. The Times said: While the funding announcement, issued Friday by the Department of Health and Human Services, does not exclude programs that provide information about contraception and protected sex, it explicitly encouraged programs that emphasize abstinence or “sexual […] More

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