
Idaho Priest Who Wanted To ‘Rape And Kill Children’ Given 25 Years For Child Porn

An uplifting tale, just in time for the Baby Jesus’s birthday. In potato country, a priest was just sentenced to a quarter of a century in prison without parole for the “possession and distribution” of child porn.

Bless me, father? No thanks.

According to Patheosthe priest was had been the head of a church in the Boise area for quite some time.:

The Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, a longtime priest in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise, has beensentenced to 25 years in prisonwithout parole and will be required to register as a sex offender after pleading guilty to felony crimes involving the possession and distribution of child pornography. 

The Associated Press reported that during the  sentencing, the judge in the case laid some horrifying facts about the septuagenarian Faucher, including that he admitted to having fantasies of “raping and killing” children.

WARNING: Some of this is seriously disgusting.

Judge Jason Scott said Faucher fantasized about raping and killing young children, favored child pornography that depicted extreme violence and claimed in online chats to have mixed his own bodily fluids into the communion wine at his church.

I knew that a lot of priests have a come as you are approach to recruiting a congregation for their ministries. But I don’t know a single ministry’s congregation that doesn’t want to know if their priest is coming where they are. 

Oh, it actually gets worse. Not my jokes. My jokes are amazing. I mean, that this dude was into.

Prosecutors report that Father Faucher had a “very sophisticated knowledge” of exchanging child pornography and talked in computer chat rooms about his “desires to rape and kill children.” (Patheos)

I don’t know what’s worse, that he did those horrific things, that he made other people partake of that horrifically spoiled communion wine, or that he bragged about it online. It has to make you wonder if he did that because he knew that — just judging from history — that if he were caught by the church the worst he’d get is an unplanned move to some new location. It’s obvious that Faucher belonged somewhere away from access to children and with access to very good mental health care, but we all know what the potential for someone convicted of his crimes to be “dealt with” by a prison population’s internal code of justice is, as well.

Father Faucher apparently was a true believer, or was willing to go down with everyone thinking he was, because the sentencing statement said that he blamed his actions on the metaphysical dark lord of all that is evil. Or you know, my pal Satan for short.

Faucher said he had “satanic desires,” an attraction to 6-year-old boys and that “the thought of killing someone does begin to excite me,” according to the detective. (The Idaho Statesman)

I mean, I guess it doesn’t really matter what he says his motivations were. I just find it interesting that for whatever reason he is clearly not willing to take full responsibility for what he did. Which is even more interesting when you consider that a big part of the whole Catholic thing is taking responsibility, and atoning, for your transgressions. So, of course we’re all dead now from the shock of him being a hypocrite, so I’m sorry about that.

Some of the details of Faucher’s illness really are pretty disturbing and hard to make any smartassed remarks about. Like him enjoying a video of a boy being beaten to death. That goes beyond the sexual and into the primal evil category, if you believe in that sort of thing. Otherwise, it’s just really, really unnerving.

Brumbaugh also said Faucher’s online conversations about shared child pornography include the Catholic priest talking about fantasies, including the sexual abuse of altar boys and babies, and saying that he liked a video of a boy being being beaten to death. (The Idaho Statesman)

In perhaps my favorite part of the story, if I can be permitted to use that word with my tongue super-deep in my cheek, dude was racist, because, duh, America in 2018. Of course he also had a ton of slavery pics, and of course he was racist, too. This guy really was swinging for the scumbag fences.

Other images the detective said the investigation found included depictions of black slavery, which Faucher spoke about using racist language, as well as images of Faucher urinating on a cross and canon law book. Faucher also wrote that he urinated in the wine for Mass at least once… (The Idaho Statesman)

It’s hard to feel very much empathy for Faucher, no matter his fate. He’s old enough that this is a life sentence. His crimes are of a specific category that tend to be dealt with very harshly by other inmates. At least it can be safely assumed that this priest-turned-sexual offender won’t be hidden away at some parish in exile.





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