Pat Robertson, the televangelist whose spell to keep Hurricane Florence away from the East Coast failed, led his followers this morning in a special prayer this morning to “throw confusion” into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers.
Robertson said:
The Supreme Court of the United States is the power center of the liberal left. They have done their bidding for years and years and years, and now comes a decisive moment as to whether they will lose control of that particular body and they are putting an all-out assault to destroy the reputation of one of the finest judges in America. It is a pre-planned plot, it is unbelievable, and if anybody buys it, they’d be willing to buy the story of the Great Pumpkin and any other myth that you can think of.
It’s extremely interesting to me that Robertson would mock the idea of “the story of the Great Pumpkin” here. After all, it’s a story written in a book – how is he in a position to debunk a story written in a book?
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But I digress. Robertson continued:
Throw confusion into those who are bringing false accusations against a future Supreme Court judge. Father, even as David said, ‘Throw confusion into the counsel of Ahitophel,’ we pray that, somehow, the Holy Spirit of God will throw confusion into the counsel of these myriad accusers who are coming forth against a good man who can serve honorably for decades to come in the Supreme Court. Lord, do it. We pray in the name of Jesus, throw confusion into their counsel. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
This demonstrates, yet again, the religious right’s lack of interest in truth. He wants to inflict his will upon others, regardless if Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony is credible (and as I’m watching it happen right now, it is extremely credible).
Why wouldn’t he ask God to reveal the truth? Why would he ask for the truth to be hidden?
Pat, it doesn’t seem that your spell here is going to be effective. In fact, it seems like you’re the one whose confused here.
h/t Right Wing Watch