According to the CBC, the father at the center of a measles outbreak in Vancouver didn’t vaccinate his children because he was afraid they could get autism.
The CBC reported:
In an exclusive interview with CBC News, Emmanuel Bilodeau said he and his then-wife were influenced by reports that linked the vaccine that prevents measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) with autism.
“We worried 10-12 years ago because there was a lot of debate around the MMR vaccine,” said Bilodeau. “Doctors were coming out with research connecting the MMR vaccine with autism. So we were a little concerned.”
The MMR vaccine prevents measles, mumps and rubella by helping the body make chemicals called antibodies to fight off the viruses. The BC Centre for Disease Control (CDC) recommends children receive two doses of the vaccine, one at 12 months of age and the second dose at five to six years of age.
Of course, the “link” between the MMR vaccine and autism was “made” by former “doctor” Andrew Wakefield and his now-infamously debunked vaccine “study”. I’m using quotation marks because I’m using all those terms extremely lightly. Wakefield created the anti-vaccine movement and is directly responsible for the needless suffering and deaths of countless children who have contracted measles or other preventable diseases. Andrew Wakefield is also behind the conspiracy theory film Vaxxed.
Get our famous ‘Vaccines work’ shirt, only available in our store!
What isn’t talked about enough is the fact that Wakefield only did his “study” because he was trying to sell his own version of the MMR vaccine. The only reason he did his “study” was to discredit the vaccine that was presently available so that he could sell his own version of it. Seriously. This really happened.
‘I’m not anti-vaccination’
Bilodeau continued, explaining to the CBC that despite not vaccinating his kids, he’s not an anti-vaxxer:
“We’re not anti-vaccination,” he said. “We’re just very cautious parents and we just tried to do it in the manner that was the least invasive possible on the child’s health.”
“We were hoping we could find a vaccine that was given in a separate shot so it wasn’t such a hit on the kid,” he said.
That’s. Not. How. It. Works.

There is no “in between” on the issue of vaccines. You either are pro-vaccines or you are not. The door is either open or closed. You either want kids to get preventable diseases or you don’t. This isn’t a debate.
Vaccines work, and do not cause autism.
Vaccinate your damn kids!
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