
Study: No link between transgender rights law and bathroom crimes

A study released on Wednesday found that the 
transgender anti-discrimination law passed in Massachusetts had no link between transgender people using their preferred restroom and crimes that occurred in a restroom. 

This is exactly what every rational person has said since the debate first started, but it’s great to see actual evidence that proves it.

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As we all know, this was a major point of contention for conservatives who opposed treating transgender people like actual people. 

According to the Boston Globe:

Researchers at the Williams Institute, a think tank focused on gender identity at the UCLA School of Law, examined restroom crime reports in Massachusetts cities of similar size and comparable demographics and found no increase in crime and no difference between cities that had adopted transgender policies and those that had not. The data were collected for a minimum of two years before a statewide antidiscrimination law took effect in 2016.

Boston Globe

The study was published in the journal Sexual Research and Social Policy.

Those who oppose this law had previously suggested that someone who was born biologically male who uses a female restroom creates a safety concern for others in the restroom. 

The Williams Institute study shows that this isn’t the case, and that trans people just want to pee in peace. 

The results of this study come at a perfect time, ahead of election day on November 6, where residents in Massachusetts will vote on the law. The issue will be question #3 on the ballot, with a “yes” vote keeping the current law that protects transgender people in place, but a “no” vote stripping away a basic human right from transgender people. 

What makes the protests from conservatives particularly amusing is the amount of outspoken anti-gay activists who have been caught doing very gay things in bathrooms. Not that there’s anything at all wrong with doing gay things, it’s the hypocrisy that’s being critiqued here.

It makes me wonder what people who oppose this law think will happen if people can pee where they feel comfortable. 

Written by Dan Broadbent

Science Enthusiast. Atheist. Lover of cats.

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