Science Enthusiast Podcast 004: Psychologist Stuart Vyse & Irrational Behavior
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Episode 004 with hosts Natalie Newell (Skeptical Parenting), Devin Scott (Skepticism By The Pint), and Dan Broadbent (A Science Enthusiast):
Intro: Mike Adams’ bio is great. It’s just the best ever. It’s perfect. It’s such a great bio, let me tell you all about it. This bio will go down as one of the greatest bios in the history of mankind.
God of the week: Hypnos, the mythological god of sleep. I mean uh, it totally happened and is real. Not a myth.
Guest: Psychologist Stuart Vyse! He is the author of Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition. He is also author of Going Broke: Why American’s Can’t Hold on to Their Money. He is an expert on irrational behavior, frequently quoted in the press and has made appearances on CNN International, the PBS NewsHour, and NPR’s Science Friday.
You can check out more from Stuart on his website, follow him on Twitter at @StuartVyse, or follow his column on Skeptical Inquirer.
Links/articles relevant to the discussion:
Bad Is Stronger Than Good by Roy Baumeister (link to PDF is found in this article)
We also asked questions sourced from our discussion group: The Science Enthusiasts!
Why we love the Internet: Christians For Michele Bachman!
Quote of the week: “Even when I have no power over important events in my life, I gain a feeling of control from understanding them. And I, too, have a sense of wonder. For me, discovering the workings of nature is a vibrant, satisfying experience that is both intellectual and emotional. To recognize the astronomical relationship between the Sun and the Earth, or to understand the optical phenomena that create its rosy light, does not strip the sunset of its beauty.” – Stuart Vyse
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