
After #LastNightInSweden, Today We Are All Swedes.

Donald Trump last night in Sweden ran out of meatballs

After #LastNightInSweden, Today We Are All Swedes.

Donald Trump last night in Sweden ran out of meatballs

On the heels of the #BowlingGreenMassacre, already we face another international tragedy as we reflect on what happened last night in Sweden. What happened remains to be made clear, though one can only speculate regarding the amount of meatballs that accidentally rolled onto the floor.

Some have taken to Twitter to chronicle the events of #LastNightInSweden:


Horrifying. Indeed, after last night, we can all say: Idag är vi alla svenskar (Today, we are all Swedes).
Click here to tweet Tweet: Idag är vi alla svenskar. #LastNightInSweden your support.

Recommended additional reading:


The “failing” New York Times

Written by Dan Broadbent

Science Enthusiast. Atheist. Lover of cats.

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